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SUSOKUKAN - Breath & Numbers

Techniques to settle the mind:

Observing the breath with numbers.

The counting gives one an object for mental activity without, however, stimulating one to think.

Come back to the below techniques when feeling restless, struggle sleeping or experiencing mental clutter.

Breathe In

Breathe Out

Breathe In

Breathe Out









A.1 Susokukan - Purple

Count the breathing (mentally only). Count from one to ten, then begin again from one.

First inhalation is one, first exhalation is two, second inhalation 3, second exhalation four, continue until ten is reached, repeat.

Inhale 1, exhale 2, inhale 3, exhale 4, inhale 5, exhale 6 (...)

Difficulties: - Becoming absent-minded or sleepy --> Try A2 (Yellow) instead

- Getting distracted --> Try A3 (Blue) instead

A.2 Susokukan - Yellow

Fighting sleepiness or becoming absent minded, count the exhalations only from one to ten. You may get up and start walking while counting as well.

Inhale, exhale 1, inhale, exhale 2, inhale, exhale 3 (...)

A.3. Susokukan C - Blue

If practicing A1 is not comfortable or results in getting distracted, then count the inhalations only, from one to ten, starting over at one.

Inhale 1, exhale, inhale 2, exhale, inhale 3, exhale (...)



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